Thursday, August 23, 2007

Looking His Best for Day Care; He's Stylin'!

Quite handsome if I do say so myself! :)

Rub-A-Dub-Dub...Jackson Was In the Tub!

Getting Ready for the Cold Weather

It's never too early, right?

Rocking with Daddy

One of Jackson's favorite activities is to rock in his chair. He loves to stare at the black letters on the wall... he'll probably be a writer (hopefully a successful one; Mama doesn't want to work forever you know!)

Somebody Might be Teething...

Poor Jackson... the little man just can't catch a break. If it's not one thing it's another. He is currently teething and will chew on ANYTHING in sight. He loves Mommy's hair and blankets, and bright colored items. He really doesn't discriminate...

Jackson and Mommy 08/17/07

This was when we went to visit Shane, Jennie and baby Donovan in the hospital. We did have clothes for Jackson...we were just in between outfits due a an unfortunate spit up incident. He sure loves to be naked though!

Jackson Welcomes His New Cousin Donovan Shane!

Aren't they just adorable together? I can't believe how much BIGGER Jackson is than Donovan and sadly I can't recall Jackson ever being that teeny tiny! Donovan is the spitting image of his Daddy! Donovan was born on Thursday, August 16th around 830pm. We are so happy that he is here!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A cuties in stripes!

We're fast-approaching the five month marker. We can't believe how quickly the time has passed. Jackson's developing so well and we are so proud of him. He's a big laugher and loves to be tickled. He's so excited that his new cousin, Donvoan Shane will be joining us soon! Jackson spent last weekend with Mimi and Grandpa while Mommy and Daddy were up North for a wedding. He was so good for Mimi and Grandpa (or so they say!). What happens at Mimi's stays at Mimi's! :)